Battlefield 4 is Electronic Arts' answer to the world-famous Call of Duty series of games. The launch of Battlefield 4 has been eagerly awaited by Gadget Friends all over the world and if Gadget Friends have never heard of Battlefield at all then it is very likely that Gadget Friends are living in a cave.
But has this game managed to do it this time or is this latest series just an update that will also be quickly forgotten? Gameplay: Still the same as the previous Battlefield. If you have played the previous series, then you won't find many surprises in Battlefield 4.
Bahkan jika Sobat gadget pernah bermain game shooter apapun maka Battlefield 4 akan terasa sangat familiar. Sobat gadget akan mengendarai kendaraan perang, meledakkan dinding, menembak tank dan ratusan tentara musuh. Seperti seri sebelumnya di seri Battlefield 4 ini, gamenya terasa lebih open dibanding dengan Cal of Duty dalam hal pendekatan perangnya, namun masih belum dapat disebut sebagai open world game.

The controls felt as precise as ever and every weapon I fired felt weighted and powerful. But that doesn't mean all weapons feel the same, of course each weapon has its own "feel" and gadget friends will find lots of choices in this series. In story mode, gadget friends can choose weapons that gadget friends have found while playing when accessing the ammo crate, so it's not just weapons lying around that gadget friends can use.
Indeed, at first it won't be very noticeable, but as you play, you can experiment with weapons in various situations that you encounter. Gadget friends will also still carry two weapons and two explosives at the same time, but there is no limit to what weapons Gadget friends can carry.
The enemy AI in the Battlefield 4 game is considered very good. They will use protection well and will try to get your gadget friend to leave the shelter by throwing grenades or turning from the side (flanking). The difficulty of killing enemies (and being killed by enemies) depends on the difficulty level you choose. In Battlefield 4, gadget friends, you won't see too many enemies standing in open areas shooting at gadget friends, walking towards walls, or not shooting even though they are face to face, as gadget friends often encounter in games with less intelligent AI.

The AI of your gadget friends is also quite smart, they will walk in front of your gadget friends when walking down a street but when you gadget friends start shooting they will move sideways, the AI troops are also not stupid enough to get stuck in one place and hinder your gadget friends' journey. I did encounter some bugs while playing, but most of these bugs can be resolved by updating the graphics card driver. Some other bugs I found were floating corpses and a bug that made me die while climbing a ladder. However, this bug rarely occurs and doesn't bother me when playing at all.
It's true that there isn't much innovation in Battlefield 4's gameplay, but in my opinion this game doesn't need it. The failure of Battlefield 3 was contributed by its story which was not strong and fortunately this was corrected in Battlefield 4. Story: Just a Little Acting is Actually Enough. Battlefield 3 has very exciting multiplayer gameplay quality, but the single-player mode feels like it is lacking something. Players clearly expect a fantastic story from a well-known game like this, but unfortunately the story is bland and easily forgotten. Battlefield 4 improves this in almost every way, Battefield 4 offers a strong story mode with character names that you will definitely remember long after finishing this game.
Warning: Slight spoilers about the beginning and middle of the story. Gadget friends will play the role of Daniel Recker, a member of the US Special Forces with the team name Tombstone. Tombstone is one of the military groups that is trying to overcome the military coup in China due to the murder of Jin Jie, a politician who spoke about changing the system in China and had great potential to become China's next president.

As a result, Shanghai fell into chaos and Commander Zhang invaded the city and seized its leadership. Like most shooters, you will play a low-level military member and you will spend a lot of time with bullets and grenades and not arguing with Chinese politicians to solve this problem. Regardless of whether this story is exciting or not, what is certain is that this story is able to create a clearly visible bond with every mission that your gadget friends undertake.
This is a big improvement compared to Battlefield 3. Most of the characters you will meet in this game will leave an impression, but most of your time will be spent with Irish, a colleague at Tombstone and with "Hannah" a Chinese intelligence agent who in collaboration with Tombstone. Fortunately, the voice actor who plays this character is very good.
Irish is played by Micahel K. Williams who is famous for his role as Omar on the television show The Wire and Hannah is played by Jessika Van. I mentioned these two voice actors by name because without them this game wouldn't feel the same. These two characters have well-written dialogue and the two voice actors feel like they have real chemistry.
DICE (the developer of this game) has been careful enough to emphasize the story in the Battlefield 4 series and keep the plot reasonable. For example, gadget friends will never fly a plane in this game because Recker is not a pilot. This may seem like it reduces the enjoyment of playing, but with this kind of focus the quality of the story is maintained.
Unfortunately this also means the story mode will be short, a veteran player can beat the game in less than 6 hours. Luckily, gadget friends will have a reason to replay the story mode because later gadget friends will be given several choices that have a big influence on the ending. If I tell you more then it will be a spoiler, but what I can say is that I was very, very surprised by my first ending.
Battlefield 4's story isn't perfect. Gadget friends can see the excessively cynical nature of the Irish character and there are several story plots that will make Gadget friends wonder why this might happen. This game also almost touched on several racial issues, but before that happened Battlefield 4 ended it so it wouldn't affect your gadget friends in playing. The story is short but very exciting, like an action movie and gadget friends will find several interesting characters as they go along. Atmosphere: Welcome to Asia Visually, Battlefield 4 can be said to be very, very impressive. At the highest graphics settings the game looks as good as the game

Another PC that I have played with and runs very smoothly. And fortunately, DICE uses the entire map efficiently. Gadget friends will be invited to explore Shanghai at night when it rains heavily and Singapore when a tropical storm hits. Gadget friends will also be involved in fighting in the water using fast boats that look very realistic.
But what sets this game apart from others is the level of detail. The environment is made with various complete ornaments and feels very real and alive. But unfortunately, even though the environment is very beautiful, gadget friends won't have much time to look around, not with Chinese soldiers shooting at gadget friends. The sound in Battlefield 4 really deserves a thumbs up. The sound of bullets and explosions in this game can make your gadget's bones vibrate (if you set the sound loud enough).
Apart from that, gadget friends can also hear the conversations of Chinese soldiers in detail. The music is also said to be very good, DICE chose to use electronic music in a very minimalist manner and let the original sounds of war fill the room, gadget friends. But even so, this low frequency and repetitive music can make the battle feel even more exciting.

Multiplayer I will post specifically about Battlefield 4 multiplayer once I have played it long enough and leveled up, but from what I played this time the experience could be said to be the same. Like the previous series, players can choose one of several classes and customize it with various equipment. Of course, as you play and level up, new equipment will also be unlocked for use. Rush, Conquest and Team & Squad Deatmatch are still the main menus of the multiplayer. There is a new menu called Obliteration which seems to try to combine battles with large numbers of players with Rush mode.
However, when I tried it, I was bounced back to the lobby, I don't know if there was a bug or there was still no one playing this mode. I will discuss this further later. A new addition to the multiplayer is the Test Range, where gadget friends can try out all the weapons and vehicles in this game in an arena without enemies.
Gadget friends can access this menu to practice weapons and vehicles, suitable for new players. Instead I planned to spend quite a long time at the Test Range to learn to fly the helicopter without destroying it instantly. There is also a new mode called Commander, which is integrated with the tablet application where gadget friends can play as a commander in war who provides assistance in the form of supplies and provides guidance to people who are playing on PC, but that was not yet available at the time this review was made. And even if it is available, gadget friends have to level up to 10 to be able to access it.
There's nothing really new in multiplayer 4, you could say it's the same as Battlefield 3 except with a new map and some minor changes. But then again, that's not a bad thing. If you like multiplayer Battlefield 3 (which millions of people like) then you will like multiplayer Battlefield 4. Personally, I can't wait to get back to the battlefield.
Minimum PC Specifications
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHZ / AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHZ or better.
HDD: 40 GB HD space.
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 / ATI Radeon HD 5870 or better.
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card.
DirectX: 11.
Internet: Broadband Internet connection and Steam and Online Multiplayer.
Recommended PC Specifications
CPU: Intel Core i5 – 680 @ 3.6GHz.
HDD : 40 GB HD space.
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 @ 4GB.
Sound: DirectX compatible sound card.
DirectX: DirectX 11.
Internet: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity Internet connection required for activation.