Gadget friends will act as Talion, a Ranger from Gondor who is assigned to watch over the Black Gate. Welcome to Mordor, where despair, darkness, and death are the only ways to "enjoy" the day. No one seems to understand this concept better than Talion – a Ranger from Gondor who was assigned to guard and watch over the Black Gate. Middle-earth is indeed in a dangerous condition after Sauron, slowly but surely, began to gather the strength of a new army, mostly consisting of Orcs and Uruk Hai. Unfortunately for Talion, this was also the end of his happy life.

Being the target of attacks from three high ranking members of Sauron's army - The Black Captains consisting of Hammer of Sauron, Tower of Sauron, and Black Hand of Sauron, Talion must fight to ensure that the two people he loves most, his wife - Loreth and child - Dirhael are safe. from this surprising invasion.
Talion was sacrificed in a ritual to summon the king of the Elves - Celebrimbor who would have a significant role in helping the war waged by Sauron. But instead of joining The Black Captain, Celebrimbor actually entered Talion's body, making him safe from death. However, as a consequence, Celebrimbor lost his memory of the past. No one could explain why Sauron wanted him so badly.
Minimum PC Specifications
RAM : 3 GB
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit only)
Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 5850
Hard Drive : 25 GB
Recommended PC Specifications
CPU : Intel Core i7-3770 or AMD FX-8350
RAM : 8 GB
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit only)
Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7950
Hard Drive : 25 GB