After defeating one of the Moon Brothers at the end of Dead Space 3, Isaac Clarke and John Carver find themselves mysteriously alive. Meanwhile, after the death of Jacob Danik; the leader of the Unitologist faith does not make the believers surrender, they build a "temple" in the wreckage of the giant Terra Nova plane, led by The Prophet.

Maybe most Dead Space fans are a bit disappointed because there is a lack of horror elements in Dead Space 3 and Visceral Games seems to be "deliberately" keeping that horror in this DLC. Yes, it can be admitted, Awakened really is an almost perfect fan service for those who miss the gripping horror elements in the style of Dead Space and Dead Space 2. Here, hallucinations or dementia are presented again in this DLC, and this time they are much more terrifying.
Oftentimes, gadget friends will suddenly experience hallucinations that often make you surprised or even jump from your seat, coupled with qualified sound effects that can make you shudder, often these hallucinations are so realistic that it will be difficult to distinguish which are real and which are hallucinations. In terms of aura, Awakened also has added value, the locations that you visit are often "decorated" with pieces of human bodies or even human corpses lying around.
Minimum PC Specifications
CPU : 2.8 GHz processor or equivalent
RAM : 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (Vista or Windows 7)
OS : WINDOWS XP (SP3), Vista (SP1) or WINDOWS 7
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better (7300, 7600 GS, and 8500 are below minimum system requirements)ATI X1600 Pro or better (X1300, X1300 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system requirements)
Hardisk Drive : 10 GB