Game Battlefield Bad Company 2 has 2 choices between single player and multiplier. Unfortunately the multiplier version no longer provides connections between LAN networks. And must be connected to the official server. For single player provided 13 missions, and all are interconnected in a story. It's quite long compared to Modern Warfare 2. The entire story of this game doesn't go back and forth or it's random. But it continues so that players can find out the storyline of the 13 existing missions.

Graphic quality in the Bad Company 2 game. There are 3 choices between Low, Medium and High. A glance at the analysis of VGA needs in the Bad Company 2 game. Actually it's quite good to use medium-class VGA, and it's still feasible to display high-quality graphics. But the VGA speed drops and somewhat interferes with the appearance of the Bad Company 2 image. For the best quality, you need at least a VGA class HD 5850. Meanwhile, medium quality is still quite adequate with VGA class HD 4850 or 4870.

Bad Company 2 is an excellent game. Almost perfect, with SuperB graphics quality. The ability of this game must be supported by VGA capabilities and at least with a dual core processor. Memory is not too big, just rely on 1 GB or 2 GB of memory, but it is recommended to use 2GB of memory for maximum configuration. What is the best in Bad Company 2 game technology? Not only is the story quite long, but EA's ability to display new technology in the sound system. Using Dolby technology, the sound of weapons, explosions and more follows the sound system where the player is. For example, when a gun is fired in a room, there is a very good echo effect. Likewise, when players leave a room, sound effects will appear different even if they use the same weapon. The drawbacks can be said to be minor. When players shoot enemies, sometimes the enemy's AI is still alive. And no bullet trajectory effects appear when the weapon is fired.
Spesifikasi PC Minimal
CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 GHz/AMD Athlon 64 X2 or better
OS : Windows XP/Vista/7
RAM : 2 GB
Video Card : 256 MB Graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT + / ATI Radeon X1900 +)
Hard Drive : 15 GB for Digital Version, 10 GB for Disc Version
Spesifikasi PC Rekomendasi
CPU: Quad Core
OS: Windows Vista or 7
Video Card: 512 MB Graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 + / ATI Radeon HD 4870 +)
Hard Drive : 15 GB for Digital Version, 10 GB for Disc Version